@mgmsbrain subjective experience of web-accessible #photography
— Michael Grace-Martin (@mgmsbrain) September 5, 2014
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05 Friday Sep 2014
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@mgmsbrain subjective experience of web-accessible #photography
— Michael Grace-Martin (@mgmsbrain) September 5, 2014
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
05 Friday Sep 2014
Posted MGM's Photos, Street
in≈ Comments Off on Photos from Bristol, Maine (July 2014)
Click images to see them larger..
YMCA 1, Bristol, Maine (July 2014) #photography pic.twitter.com/Xcawd563dI
— Michael Grace-Martin (@mgmsbrain) September 5, 2014
Foggy Fence, Bristol, Maine (July 2014) #photography pic.twitter.com/gn8bumAj71 — Michael Grace-Martin (@mgmsbrain) September 5, 2014
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
18 Monday Aug 2014
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So, it turns out that doing photography isn’t a very efficient way to make money. Are you all surprised?!…:p
No, there are lots of people who own cameras–both professionals and non-professionals–and a good number who put up an Internet “sign” saying they’ll do photography for money. Also, there are lots of people taking photos with all kinds of cameras (including phone cameras) and posting them to Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr, and many other websites such that there’s absolutely no shortage of photos available for all the world to see and purchase.
When the supply of some product or service goes up, prices usually go down…*unless* there’s a corresponding increase in demand. It’s just a guess, but even though I think demand may have actually gone up, I don’t think it’s kept up with supply when it comes to photography products or services. This is why prices have tended to go down (except, perhaps, for photographs made in the past by famous photographers because the supply of those is somewhat fixed) and why it’s very difficult for anyone–even current famous photographers–to make much money *from* photography.
I think anyone who is interested in making photographs should make photographs. Why not? But people interested in a career in photography *really* should explore all other possible options before seriously considering it as a source of income.
To make enough money from photography alone, you have to put in many, many hours of work–both physically (when shooting–e.g., 12-hour weddings) and seated at a computer for hours on end processing thousands of images. You’ll also have to deal with equipment issues, customer support, vendors, transportation, and so on.
What I’m trying to tell you is that photography as a business is a lot of work like *any* business. You’re not going to get away from doing lots of work because you’ve turned your hobby that you enjoy so much (photography) into your source of income. In fact, that’s a good way to kill your enjoyment of photography. And the clincher? It’s going to be very difficult to make a good income from it, despite all the work you’re putting into it. Photography doesn’t pay well, especially compared to other jobs or careers available to (college) educated people.
My advice: pursue something that pays well so you don’t have to kill yourself making a good income, and then do photography on the side to keep it a fun and special artistic activity you do to bring joy into your life.
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
16 Saturday Aug 2014
Posted MGM's Photos
in≈ Comments Off on Stormy Atlantic, Bristol, Maine (July 2014)
Click the image to see it large & against dark background..
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
15 Friday Aug 2014
Posted MGM's Photos, Street
in≈ Comments Off on C and the Rocky Maine Coast (July 2014)
13 Wednesday Aug 2014
Posted MGM's Photos, Street
in≈ Comments Off on Long Cove Point, Chamberlain, Maine (Aug 2014)
boy, coast, maine, photography, seagull
12 Tuesday Aug 2014
Posted MGM's Photos, Street
in≈ Comments Off on On Down the Line, Bristol, Maine (July 2014)
art, color, maine, photography
Click image to see against dark background..
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
23 Wednesday Jul 2014
Posted MGM's Photos, Street
in≈ Comments Off on 2014 GrassRoots Festival shot ‘Skew’
I like finding & making quirky photos when I shoot street photography. The annual GrassRoots Festival in Trumansburg, NY always has lots of quirkiness. So I have been attending the GrassRoots Festival over the past few years looking to make quirky photos.
You might say: “Well, that doesn’t seem like much of a challenge if the subject matter is already quirky!”. I would say that’s a very good point. But then I would add, “how about unintentional quirkiness at a quirky event? There’s still that!”.
In any case, I enjoy the oddities at the GrassRoots Festival each year and the challenge of making photos that don’t look like all the other Grassroots photos being taken by the other 100 or so photographers with press passes at the event each year (ok, maybe it just seems like that many…:p).
Some of these photos aren’t that quirky, but I like them anyway. The great thing about photographing the festival is I’m totally on my own without a shot list.
Here’s an initial smattering. I’ll be adding more much later this Summer into early Fall…:-).
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19 Thursday Jun 2014
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Most of my life, I’ve associated Art with special occasions (e.g., going to MOMA). Thinking about or creating it daily would be out of whack–i.e., making it less special.
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |
19 Thursday Jun 2014
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For some reason, I find it more satisfying to think of photography as a means for trying to communicate something versus as a way to ‘make art‘.
Visit Michael's Art Photography Portfolio at SaatchiArt.com! |